About Us
AIMS is a pioneer institute in providing individual subjectwise coaching for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students
New batch for PG entrance examination starts from 5th August 2013
AIMS is a pioneer institute in providing individual subjectwise coaching for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students
New batch for PG entrance examination starts from 5th August 2013
AIMS is created to provide individual subjectwise coaching for MBBS undergraduates and those preparing for PG entrance examinations. This institute has been created keeping in mind that at most of the other institute student has to pay for all the subjects even if he/she want to attend some subjects only. We are associated with top most faculty in India. Pharmacology is being taught by Dr Gobind Rai Garg, the author of famous book "Review of Pharmacology"
Undergraduate students particularly of MBBS but also of BDS, M Pharma and other allied disciplines can be benefitted by individual subjectwise teaching. Currently Pharmacology is being taught by Dr Gobind Rai Garg. We aim to introduce other subjects teaching soon. For PG entrance examinations, the subject is completed in around 10 days span so that student can get time for preparing other subjects too